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Top Industries in California for Workplace Injuries

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Posted By DAM Firm | January 5 2022 | Workers' Compensation

Workplace injuries occur in a wide variety of ways, and they can happen in any type of workplace. It does not matter whether you work in a seemingly “safe” retail job or a job that is known to be hazardous, such as the construction industry. Injuries can occur, and they can lead to significant setbacks for victims. However, there are some industries in California that are more dangerous than others.

What are the Top Industries in California for Workplace Injuries?

Hospital and Other Healthcare Workers

Individuals go to the hospital or other medical facilities when they need help. However, most people find it surprising that healthcare workers face significant risks on the job. In these occupations, workers can face considerable injuries. This includes sprains and strains from moving patients, broken and dislocated bones resulting from slip and fall incidents, and even major injuries as a result of being assaulted by patients. Additionally, healthcare work is incredibly stressful, a point that has specifically been highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. This workplace stress can lead to extreme emotional and psychological distress amongst healthcare workers.

Messengers and Delivery Personnel

Whether a person is delivering messages or packages on a bicycle or in a vehicle, these jobs can be dangerous. Some of the most common injuries that occur while individuals are delivering messages or packages include broken or dislocated bones as a result of getting struck by vehicles, as well as sprains or strains due to lifting heavy objects. Additionally, delivery personnel often enter into unknown environments when delivering packages, and this can lead to assaults and animal attacks.

Airline Employees

Airline workers can suffer from a range of injuries but most commonly sustain sprains with strains due to lifting heavy cargo, as well as lacerations, puncture wounds, concussions, and broken bones.

Animal Production Facilities

Facilities that raise and feed animals present major risks to workers. These facilities typically care for animals that are being raised for slaughter and consumption. Not only does this include general farming operations, but also larger commercial slaughter operations. Some of the most common injuries include broken in dislocated bones, severe lacerations due to tool mishaps, and slip and fall injuries.

Woodworking Employees

Individuals who work in the logging industry or other industries that involve the moving of commercial wood products often sustain broken or dislocated bones or severe sprains and strains. Though the logging industry is relatively small in the state of California, it can still be incredibly hazardous.

Construction Workers

Data available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicates that one out of every five worker deaths during the latest reporting year across this country occurred in the construction industry. California is booming, and construction projects are everywhere. These workers operate around hazardous equipment and in dangerous environments on a day-to-day basis.

Workers’ Compensation for Injuries

Any individual who sustains an injury on the job should be able to recover compensation. The California workers’ compensation system is robust, and workplace injury victims can usually recover compensation for their medical expenses, most of their lost wages, and disability benefits if their injury is severe enough. It is important to work with a skilled workers’ compensation lawyer in San Bernardino if you are having trouble recovering the compensation you are entitled to from your employer or the workers’ compensation insurance carrier.